Uncategorized Got Junk? Got junk? Save the date for Windermere's Recycling Event: Sunday, 2/22, from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Uncategorized Let’s Go Hawks!!! I’ll admit to being a recent, bandwagon-type fan, as the 12th man was initially off putting for my University of Texas self (12th man was/is a Texas A&M thing). Regardless, LET’S GO HAWKS!!!!!
Uncategorized Bellevue – A City with a Plan I attended an amazing meeting regarding Bellevue’s future. The presenters were Kemper Freeman discussing downtown Bellevue, the people developing the Spring District (where the old Safeway distribution center was), and Sound Transit discussing light rail. Bellevue has an amazing future, but it will take time! Kemper Freeman’s project along Bellevue Way will be completed first—in […]
Uncategorized Honored to Receive This Detailed Review Received a great review from a client today. Made my day! She captures items that I work hard to achieve. (And, I know this took some time to write, which I also appreciate). http://www.zillow.com/profile/sanditampa/Reviews/?review=1146884 ~~I found Sandi's contact information via Yelp initially, as well as 3 other realtors based in Bellevue/Kirkland area, back in Fall […]
Uncategorized Happy New Year! Cheers to 2015 being your best year yet![/caption]
Uncategorized Credit Score Myth Credit scores are fascinating and not always logical. This articles captures a few of the common misconceptions. Keep that older credit card open, even if you don’t use it, both to improve your available (unused) credit, but length/age of credit helps your score too (not mentioned in the article).   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/14/credit-score-myths-_n_6296012.html?cps=gravity  
Uncategorized Happy Thanksgiving Wishing you a fun and festive Thanksgiving! Cheers![/caption]
Uncategorized Fun seller success story I'm proud of this one. Here is the story as told by the seller on LinkedIn.  I cannot recommend Sandi highly enough as a listing agent, especially if the home you're selling isn't perfect. After our home sat on the market for 6 weeks and 3 price drops with another agency, we listed with Sandi […]
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