Uncategorized March 6, 2016

Sold in 4 Hours!

Uncategorized January 29, 2016

Key Delivery–Fun and a Little Sad

Uncategorized January 21, 2016

The Market is Hot!

Uncategorized January 12, 2016

Introducing Elly McKenzie, Licensed Apprentice

Uncategorized January 8, 2016

Just Listed!

Uncategorized December 3, 2015

Conflicting Advice – Don’t Lose Your Ass

I'm in the process of adjusting my business structure (services still the same, changing the behind-the-scenes money flow). I have spoken to several professionals, all people I trust or quality referrals. Each professional has different advice and is emphatic about thier recommendation. My head is spinning. I'm frustrated because I'm decisive and an engineer, so I prefer things to be more black and white. My husband mentioned this fable and its resosnating with my plight (ok, plight is a bit dramatic, my 'first world problem' is more accurate, but still….), and I have seen many of buyers get 'caught/stuck' in this situation. The lesson:

 ….by endeavoring to please everybody he had pleased
 nobody, and lost his Ass in the bargain.

Uncategorized November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Uncategorized November 20, 2015

Marketing Works!

Uncategorized September 30, 2015

Classic Newport Hills Split-Level

Uncategorized September 18, 2015

Bungie Key Delivery!